
Witness firsthand how artificial intelligence is not just a tool, but see the future of beauty technology in action with Bixa Beauty’s pioneering vision.
In today’s video, I unveil the magic of using AI technology (specifically #ChatGPT ) to transform the way you handle food allergies in your family. If you’re juggling the challenges of parenting, especially with a child who has food allergies, this tutorial is gold.
In this video, ChatGPT, can take complex medical research full of technical terms and translate it into easy-to-understand language, making the science accessible to everyone, regardless of their medical knowledge. ChatGPT helped me understand some really tough medical research about my gene mutation ADH1C.
The phrases like “immerse yourself,” “deep dive,” “embark on a journey,” and similar expressions are often seen as engaging or evocative language meant to draw readers in or to emphasize a deeper level of engagement or exploration. These phrases can be grouped under a category of more colorful or imaginative language which is often used to make text more interesting or engaging. Here are some categories and examples where such phrases might fall under:
Join Paulina Fadrowska from CuriousWithAI as she shows you how to use the world of AI and craft a  family bedtime story. Discover how to use OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALL·E 3 to create personalized stories that will make your family story night unforgettable. Don’t miss out to make every night a magical adventure that teaches, bonds, and delights.